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Ingram Hear Care: A Friendly, Honest and Caring Hearing Aid Dispenser

A man having his hearing tested


Full Hearing Assessment // £50*

*taken off any hearing aid sale

Hearing Tests

Experience Better Hearing with a Full Hearing Assessment and Comprehensive Ear Health Check.


Shona of Ingram Hear Care is dedicated to improving your hearing for the long term.


Hearing loss is more common than you might think, and it doesn't discriminate based on age. In fact, 1 in 6 UK adults experiences some degree of hearing impairment.


While hearing loss can sometimes occur suddenly, it more often develops gradually. Many individuals with hearing loss may not even realise there's an issue until the symptoms become more pronounced. Regular hearing tests are essential for proactive intervention if needed, enabling you to stay socially engaged.


When was your last hearing test?


Just as you wouldn't skip regular medical check-ups, your hearing deserves equal attention. Despite the recommendation for regular hearing assessments, many people go five to ten years without getting a test. During this time, mild hearing loss can progress to moderate or even severe.


If you answer "yes" to any of the following questions, it's time to schedule a hearing health check:


  • Do you frequently find yourself increasing the volume on your radio or TV?

  • Are you being told you are not listening or hearing your loved ones? 

  • Do you often ask people to repeat themselves?

  • Do you often misunderstand what people are saying? 

  • Have others mentioned that you speak too loudly?

  • Is holding conversations in crowded places challenging?

  • Do you sometimes rely on watching a person's face to understand them?

  • Are phone calls sometimes a struggle for you? 


Shona of Ingram Hear Care genuinely cares about addressing your unique hearing challenges. During your appointment, she'll take a detailed medical history and explore any hearing difficulties you've encountered. Following that, she'll perform a series of straightforward tests to assess your current hearing level, and explain the results to you.


If your test results reveal hearing loss, Shona will discuss the available treatment options to determine the best course of action tailored to your hearing needs and lifestyle.


Don't wait any longer; take the first step towards better hearing by scheduling your Full Hearing Assessment with Shona today.

A woman having her ear wax removed


1 ear // £40

2 ears // £55

If no wax // £20

Wax Removal

Shona of Ingram Hear Care is dedicated to your ear health and well-being. She understands that life can get busy, and that's why she offers a comfortable and pain-free solution to safely remove excess ear wax – microsuction. With microsuction, you can count on Shona to address your ear wax build-up in as little as 30 minutes, providing you with the convenience you deserve.


Did you know that approximately 2.3 million adults in the UK require treatment for ear wax build-up every year? It's the leading cause of temporary hearing loss, and leaving excess ear wax unchecked can lead to issues like muffled hearing, vertigo, tinnitus, and even infections. The good news is that ear wax build-up is easy to identify and treat.  


When it comes to safely removing excess ear wax, microsuction is widely recommended as the most effective and secure method. It surpasses ear syringing in both effectiveness and comfort, making it the quickest and most comfortable way to give your ears a thorough cleaning.


Are you concerned about your hearing health due to excess ear wax?


You may benefit from Shona's microsuction ear wax removal service if you're experiencing any of the following:


  • Muffled hearing

  • Persistent earache

  • Itching or discomfort in the ear

  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)

  • A feeling of the ear being "full"


Don't let excess ear wax compromise your hearing health any longer. Ingram Hear Care offers a fast and affordable solution to clear excess wax and restore your hearing to its optimal state. Services include:


  • An otoscopic examination to check for ear wax build-up, with a £20 fee if no wax is present during the consultation.

  • Microsuction for one ear at just £40.

  • Microsuction for both ears at a discounted rate of £55.


Trust Shona of Ingram Hear Care to provide you with professional and friendly ear care services that prioritise your comfort and well-being. Your hearing health is her top priority, and she looks forward to helping you hear the difference.

A picture of a hearing aid on an ear


Hearing Aids starting from // £1,895 per pair


Hearing Aids

Shona takes pride in offering you expert guidance on the latest advancements in hearing aid technology. Modern hearing aids come in a variety of styles to cater to every level of hearing loss, and feature sets to complement any lifestyle.


Thanks to the incredible strides made in assistive hearing technology, hearing aids are now highly customisable, effective, and discreet. Surprisingly, despite these remarkable developments, surveys indicate that approximately 65% of individuals who could benefit from hearing aids choose not to use them.


Struggling with hearing can significantly impact every facet of your life. Communication challenges stemming from hearing impairment often lead to reduced self-esteem, social isolation, workplace difficulties, and limited access to essential services. The right hearing aids can help alleviate these effects and markedly enhance your quality of life.


Could you benefit from the use of hearing aids?


If you believe that hearing aids might enhance your daily life, the initial step is to undergo an up-to-date hearing test and a comprehensive hearing health assessment. Reach out to Shona at Ingram Hear Care to schedule a Full Hearing Assessment if you answer "yes" to any of the following questions:


  • Do you frequently find yourself increasing the volume on your radio or TV?

  • Are you being told you’re not listening or hearing your loved ones?

  • Do you often request people to repeat themselves?

  • Have others commented that you speak too loudly?

  • Is it challenging to engage in conversations in crowded settings?

  • Do you occasionally rely on watching a person's face to understand them?


Are you ready to enhance your quality of life?


Uncertain about whether hearing aids are suitable for you? Contact Shona to arrange a Full Hearing Assessment today. When hearing difficulties affect your daily routine, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. As an independent hearing health provider, Shona is committed to being straightforward and honest about your options. If hearing aids aren't the right solution for you, she'll provide you with that information.

A hearing aid


Service Visit // £45*

*if aids not bought from us

Hearing Aid Repairs

Shona understands the importance of ensuring your hearing aids are in optimal working condition. Hearing aid repair is a crucial service she offers to ensure that you continue to enjoy the benefits of clear and crisp sound. Whether your hearing aid requires a minor adjustment, replacement parts, or comprehensive repair, Shona is here to provide prompt and reliable service. Don't let hearing aid issues disrupt your daily life; trust Ingram Hear Care for professional hearing aid repair services that keep you connected to the sounds of your world.

A man having noise protection care


Noise Protection Custom Earplugs // from £125 per pair

Noise Protection

Embrace Life to the Fullest, Safeguarding Your Senses with Audiologist-Recommended Ear Protection and Hearing Loss Prevention


Beyond the inevitable effects of ageing, excessive noise exposure stands as one of the leading causes of hearing loss. Shockingly, each year sees over 20,000 individuals grappling with hearing loss attributed to workplace noise alone. This unsettling statistic doesn't even account for hearing damage incurred during recreational activities or exposure to loud noise in the comfort of one's home.


Regrettably, noise-induced hearing loss is permanent, and once your hearing diminishes, it cannot be restored. The silver lining, however, is that this type of hearing loss can often be prevented with appropriate ear protection and the implementation of hearing loss prevention strategies.


Are you susceptible to noise-induced hearing loss?


Hearing protection isn't exclusively reserved for those in professions like construction or sound engineering, where excessive noise is a daily occurrence. In fact, the risk of noise-induced hearing loss during your personal time is often higher, as there are no Health and Safety Officers overseeing noise levels or ensuring precautionary measures.


Activities that can cause noise-induced hearing loss:


  • Attending concerts, music festivals, or live performances with loud music.

  • Engaging in activities with continuous loud background noise, like working at bars or clubs.

  • Loud recreational activities, such as motorsports, motorcycling, or off-roading.

  • Frequent exposure to loud, explosive noises, such as fireworks or explosions.

  • Listening to music at high volumes through headphones or earbuds for extended periods.

  • Operating or being in close proximity to heavy machinery, such as tractors or lawnmowers, without hearing protection.

  • Operating power tools or machinery without adequate hearing protection.

  • Participating in activities like shooting.

  • Playing a musical instrument.

  • Regularly attending sporting events with loud crowds and music.

  • Riding motorcycles or other loud vehicles without proper ear protection.

  • Shooting firearms without ear protection.

  • Working in noisy environments, such as construction sites, factories, or airports, without proper hearing protection.


Protecting your hearing is an investment in your lifelong sensory enjoyment. Contact Shona at Ingram Hear Care today to explore her expert-recommended ear protection and hearing loss prevention options, so you can continue experiencing life to the fullest, with all your senses intact.

A woman receiving tinnitus support


Ear Health Consultation // £45*

*includes tinnitus support


Tinnitus Support

Tinnitus can be a challenging and persistent condition, and Ingram Hear Care's Shona is committed to providing compassionate Tinnitus Support. Her services offer tailored solutions to help manage and alleviate the discomfort caused by tinnitus. 


Shona understands that tinnitus affects individuals differently, and she is here to offer personalised guidance and support. Whether you're seeking information, coping strategies, or therapeutic interventions, Shona of Ingram Hear Care is your partner in addressing tinnitus and improving your overall quality of life. 


Common signs of tinnitus: 


  • Perception of noises or sounds in the ears when there is no external source.

  • The noise may manifest as ringing, buzzing, hissing, clicking, or other sounds.

  • The sound can vary in pitch, volume, and intensity.

  • Tinnitus may be continuous or intermittent.

  • It can affect one or both ears.

  • Tinnitus may be accompanied by hearing loss in some cases.

  • It can interfere with concentration, sleep, and daily activities.

  • The severity of tinnitus can range from mild to severe.


With Shona's Tinnitus Support services, you don't have to face this condition alone; let her help you find relief and regain control over your auditory well-being.

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